Tag Archives: signing on

The Unemployed Teen off the starting blog

After being unemployed for almost 6months now I have decided to write a blog of my life being unemployed

For a change it would be nice to hear good stories of the unemployed rather than the stereotypical stories you hear on tv like Jeremy Kyle and the likes.
After being for over 20 interviews, it has become rather tiresome looking on the Internet and the local newspapers looking for jobs, find them applying and never hearing back. When you do finally get an interview the buzz is electric, well for me anyway! You put all your effort into getting ready, preparing yourself and turning up and then waiting for that all important phone call.
One week later, two weeks later no phone call. You know you have not got the job. Just like after a break up in a relationship you pick yourself up and look for something better, you try a few jobs you don’t really want but you know it might give you a bit of excitement for a while when you get that buzz of getting a interview.
I have tried starting my own business at home, again it has came to no success. I seem to have run out of ideas that can really kick off for free or cheap! if you have any ideas please let me know.
My girlfriend luckily enough has a job working in a primary school. Which she really loves. She comes back everyday with new stories on what has happened and yes whilst I love listening to them a part of me is. Well.  Jealous! and I yearn for the same, to be able to come back home from a job and to have stories of my day at work.
It’s not easy telling people that you don’t have a job you get the feeling that they have the impression you are lazy. Stupid and unintelligent. Which just isn’t true. Telling your partners family is the worst. You don’t want them to think you are not good enough for them, that you can’t support them. I have felt that, but just some people would never understand that.
Anyway, that is it for my first blog of the unemployed teen .  Each week I will write a blog of my life on behalf of the good unemployed that need the good press and when or if I finally get a job that moment I can finally ring up and sign off.
Thank you for reading