Category Archives: online buisness

Signing on day.

Hey Guys,

I thought I would break the habit to blog more than once a week. Don’t worry it will only be a short one.

Last night I was up until 2:15 applying for a lot of jobs and got up this morning at 6. 3 hours and 45 minutes sleep, which isn’t great! Hopefully I will have kept the job centre happy and more importantly, I hope to receive some calls this week from jobs.

Monday’s always excite me due to applying for numerous jobs over the weekend, I am always really hopeful that I get a call on the Monday. Fingers crossed!

Anywayyyyyyy – Time for me to catch the bus and go to the job centre and wait for ages before I am actually called. The set up is so old fashioned like something back from the Victorian ages were the difference in social class was clear for all to see. If there was anything I could change about the job centre it would be there set up which I believe is wrong and shouldn’t be changed to be more in line with of our modern day society.


Another Interview Another Disappointment!

Hello Guys, Thank you so much for reading!

Once again I have been left Disappointed and to be quite frank, rather annoyed. Interviews are one of the most stressful things you can go through, almost everyone puts in a hell of a lot of effort for them. You would think the least the employer would do is let you know, one way or another, rather than not contacting you. It is damn right rude. That is what has happened to me once again. I even contacted the employer by email, so that I did not use up any of his busy time but so that he could answer in his own time with a quick update. Almost two weeks have gone by now since my interview and he has not be bothered to reply to my email.

Yet again I am applying for more jobs. I must have applied for over 40 jobs this past week. There are so many jobs out there which I apply for however it amazes me how difficult it is to receive a single reply inviting me for an interview.

I have been unemployed for 6 months now, it has become so mind numbing and depressing. Everyday is consumed in looking for work with each day turning into a disappointment when you do not hear back from employers. Without my girlfriend, being unemployed would be so much harder. With her support she has brought me back to earth when I get stressed over being unemployed. I could not begin to imagine how I would feel if I didn’t have her to help me through it. I also could not imagine how anyone must feel if they were unemployed for over a year it must be so disheartening.

Enough of ranting! I do have some good news. I have another Interview on Tuesday! Yayyy. For a business communications role which I am super excited for. I am ready to get suited and booted. (That is one saying I cannot get enough of)

There is always going to be doubt in my mind mixed with a lack of confidence going into any interview, I feel that I will fail due to what has transpired from other interviews I have attended. I guess that is my problem… When I don’t get the position I applied for I loose confidence, so the next interview I go to I am more nervous which is clear to the employer so I don’t get that job. If anyone has any ideas on ways for an interview go well and break that cycle please comment in the comment box below.

In two weeks time I may miss being able to blog, as I will be down in London for a few days. My girlfriend and I are heading down for a party which is really really exciting for us both, especially for me as it will give me a chance to just forget about searching for jobs for a little while and be the same as anybody else.

Anyway that is it for my Blog this week. Thank you for reading and I hope you continue to do so!


Week Number 1

Hello again.

Another week has gone by. To be quite honest it wasn’t a bad week considering. I went for an interview. woooh! So far I haven’t heard anything. I am trying to stay positive that I may get the job, it is difficult considering all the unsuccessful interviews that have been and gone.

So as I said in my first blog, I shall get back up again and apply for a load of jobs. Yeah in all honestly, I probably will apply for jobs that I do not want, just so I can get an interview and feel proud when I tell people that I have got an interview. When I tell people that I have an interview I can feel how proud they are of me. For me that is more important than anything.

For this past week I have been filling out my work diary for the job centre. I find this the most boring and trivial task in the world. You can only write the same thing so many times, before you start to become insane (Sent CV/ Written Application) I cringe having to write that again. Do you know what the annoying thing is? I fill it out everyday, each time I go there they never check. 

Again I have been looking at starting my own business up from home and once again I have came to a standstill. Completely ran out of ideas. Every time I search online for ideas they always say the same things that would never work, get rich schemes, online marketing, Ebay (Yes whilst that would work for some people, I could never get into Ebay as a business.) For me it becomes increasingly frustrating as I would love to work for myself, I just don’t seem to have the right connections or business know how, even though I have done a Business A level.

Tomorrow I am going to the job centre to sign on. I am always sat waiting for ages as I always get the early appointments. So I am sat there waiting for them to get logged onto their computers, when I am finally called over, they always tell me their system isn’t running yet as it is being slow. I never can get any information or help from for that reason.

So that is it for my blog this week, I hope you enjoy it and I don’t ramble on too much.

I am looking for everyone’s opinion on online businesses so if you could answer my poll please and thank you.
